The Fifth session of the Working Group on the Strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), established by the Ninth Review Conference chaired in 2022 by Ambassador Leonardo Bencini, is taking place in Geneva.
Among the topics discussed during the session, a particular focus was given to the establishment of two mechanisms dedicated respectively to the full implementation of the international cooperation and assistance provisions (art. X) and the evaluation of scientific and technological aspects relevant to the Convention.
These two mechanisms, on which it is hoped to reach a provisional consensus at the end of this week, could be approved during a Special Conference in 2025.
Italy, in the person of the Amb. Leonardo Bencini, was the first country to support the convening of this Conference for the adoption of the two mechanisms. During this week’s session, Amb. Bencini reiterated his support for these two systems, concentrating their mandate on the delicate issue of verification and compliance.