This morning Ambassador Leonardo Bencini met Tatyana Valovaya, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG), together with the Ambassadors of the P6+2 Group, that includes the six 2025 presidencies of the Conference on Disarmament (CD) plus the last one of 2024 e the first one of 2026. The P6+2 group ensures the continuity of the CD work between the presidencies that rotate every month in alphabetical order. The meeting provided an opportunity to exchange views in preparation for the next CD session. The participants concurred on the importance of the results obtained in 2024 with the establishment of five Subsidary Bodies (SBs) and the appointment of their respective coordinators. The relative decision, adopted at the end of the 2024 session, will have to be reconfirmed in January under the Italian Presidency that will be followed by Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia and Mexico. Israel (2024 last President) and Mongolia (first 2026 President) will also take part in the P6+2 meetings next year.
Meeting of the P6+2 group with Director-General Valovaya